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  • Is Veritas Online Academy a Christian academy?
    Our faith commitment is summarized in our Statement of Faith, which reflects a summary of conservative evangelical faith. Our teachers are required to be a standing member of a conservative evangelical church, and teach from the perspective of a conservative evangelical, who subscribes to the absolute authority of the Bible for our faith and life, and other historical doctrines summarized in the Statement of Faith.
  • How does Veritas Online Academy differ from other online programs?
    VOA is distinctive in that it is classical, Reformational, and rhetorical. As a classical program, it seeks to cultivate wonder, wisdom, and critical thinking in students. With a Reformational perspective, it seeks to show the sovereignty of God in creation, salvation, and providence, and the Lordship of Christ in every area of culture. With a rhetorical emphasis, it seeks to train students to become leaders through excellent communication skills.
  • Do we offer financial aid?
    No, Veritas program is already at a competitive price compared to other similar online programs.
  • How can I get a discount?
    You can get a discount of $20 if you have a friend take one class, and $40 if they take two or more classes. They also get the same discount, $20 for one class, $40 for two or more classes.
  • What is your withdrawal/refund policy?
    There is a $100 deposit built into the cost of each course. Withdrawals requested before Dec 31 are granted a full refund, including the full $100 deposit. On Dec 31 and before Jan 20 withdrawals are granted a full tuition refund excluding the $100 deposit. From Jan 20 to Feb 7 (the drop/add deadline), withdrawals are granted a ½ tuition refund. Students may withdraw from a course through the second week of classes. See handbook for specific details. After the second week of classes, no refund is given. For more information, read Veritas Online Academy’s full refund policy.
  • Are the required texts included in the course fee?
    No, course materials are not included in the course fee.
  • Why are class schedules subject to change?
    Although Veritas has been offering excellent classical Christian online classes for students in East Asia for four years, this is the first year we are offering it to the American audience. All of our teachers are Americans, experts in their field, experienced in classical Christian education, and men and women of deep Christian convictions. Because it is our first semester launching the program, we are flexible in arranging the schedule to the needs of the families that sign up. All classes are still M/W/F, but the exact hours are subject to modification after the minimum number of students sign up. If the final schedule does not fit a student’s schedule, the student will receive a full refund.
  • What is an Omnibus Class?
    Omnibus is a Humanities class consisting of most literature, but also some history. Usually, some literature pieces are historical fiction, and/or students may also read short historical documents that complement a fiction that is read separately. The goal is to appreciate classic literature in a broader context of history, as well as from a biblical perspective.
  • How are Math classes taught in the span of 1 semester?
    Normally, Math classes will be 1-year long. However, in this first semester that we are launching the program, Math classes will review the material of the 1st semester, assuming that students have covered 1 semester of the course, and will cover the 2nd semester to prepare the students for the next level.
  • May I register a student who falls outside of the listed grade range for the course?
    Students who fall outside the listed grade range may be able to register after a consultation with an Administrator, if they can prove that they are academically capable of handling the course.
  • Does Veritas Online Academy issue a high school transcript?
    For Part Time students, Veritas provides the report cards, but the homeschooling parent makes the transcript and has the final say on the grades. Veritas Online Academy offers both tracks: 1) “a la carte”—you choose the courses you want to incorporate into your overall high school program, 2) as well as a Full Time program, which we are aiming to begin in the Fall of 2025. Those who take the Full Time track and who fulfill all the graduation requirements from VOA will receive a high school diploma from Veritas. If students are Full Time students at Veritas, we can provide a high school transcript.
  • Are your high school courses accredited?
    Our high school courses are accredited with the WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges).
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